200 Water Street

200 Water Street

200 Water Street Manhattan, NY 10038

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水街 (Water Street) 200 号拥抱市中心生活,它是一座时尚的现代化摩天大楼,拥有令人惊叹的城市、滨水、布鲁克林和威廉斯堡大桥 (Williamsburg Bridge) 和美景。这座高楼始建于 1971 年,由埃默里·罗斯父子公司 (Emory Roth & Sons) 设计,高 31 层,因鲁道夫•德•哈拉克 (Rudolph de Harak) 制作的 50 英尺高标志性数字时钟而闻名。流线型建筑的灵感来自于菲利浦·约翰逊 (Philip Johnson) 倡导的国际设计风格,重新回归到更强的光线和更开阔的视野。

入住这些具有宽敞布局和干净线条的超大 FiDi 公寓。在建筑的屋顶平台上远眺令人赞叹的远景,在住宅休息室读一本书或者打一局台球,放飞自我、释放身心。水街 200 号让您直接靠近餐饮和购物设施,它位于南街海港 (South Street Seaport) 对面,离古色古香的鹅卵石铺就的石街 (Stone Street) 上的饮食馆只有几分钟路程。交通便利,毗邻富尔顿中心 (Fulton Center) 交通枢纽的众多地铁线以及 11 号码头 (Pier 11) 的纽约渡轮 (NYC Ferry)。


  • 屋顶平台
  • 健身中心
  • 游戏室
  • 媒体室
  • 24 小时值守大堂
  • 洗衣房
  • 宠物室
  • 现场美味熟食店和药房
  • 电梯
Skip testimonials section

A million times thank you for helping the girls with the transition. We are so happy she made the move to 200 Water Street. Kindness and ...

Resident at 200 Water Street

We would like to tell you (Greg, Leasing Manager) we have been looking at a lot of apts in Brooklyn and in Manhattan and you ...

Resident at 200 Water Street

I’m leaving 200 Water Street because I purchased an apt. I have loved living here for 5 yrs, and only have great things to say about ...

Resident at 200 Water Street

I want you to know that I am extremely happy with the 200 Water Street staff in general. You guys are doing an excellent job!

Resident at 200 Water Street

From the building manager, to doormen, to maintenance staff - everyone has been wonderful. They helped me move apartments within the building! I know most ...

Resident at 200 Water Street

屋顶平台非常了不起 - 景色令人赞叹不已。

Resident at 200 Water Street

I have lived in this building for 6 years and I love it. Management decided to renovate the apts. and the building looks brand new again. ...

Resident at 200 Water Street

Throughout the application process, the leasing office was easy to get in touch with and was very clear about what we needed to provide. I ...

Resident at 200 Water Street

After visiting friends that live in the building, I had my heart set on moving there. Greg (Leasing Manager) followed up with an apt that ...

Resident at 200 Water Street

I signed a lease this morning for my dream apartment. I love the water view from every room and can’t wait to move in.

Resident at 200 Water Street

My husband and I would like to express our appreciation for the excellent service Greg (Leasing Manager) provided us. We were new to NYC  and ...

Resident at 200 Water Street

We’re so happy we found a place to live that has everything we wanted. We’ve met our neighbors already and love the sense ...

Resident at 200 Water Street



200 Water Street

New York, NY 10038

Studio – 2 Bedrooms


Leasing Manager

Greg Brancato